WhenInDoubt Stay Positive
Ocean of Negativity. Stay Afloat
Posted by Javier Rodriguez on

So one of my Facebook friends had the courage to share a very difficult experience she had in dealing with emotions, the mind and heart. You can read it below. I was touched to read how candid she was. I felt her hurt. I felt the frustration. What's more, I felt her letting go, choosing to fight, and understanding that it is just a process. She described feelings that we all experience and when I read it I said to myself that is exactly what WhenInDoubt (the Ah-perils of living) is all about. What I like most is her surrendering to...
It's A Battle Cry
Posted by Javier Rodriguez on
What is WhenInDoubt? It's a battle cry. It's what your soul yearns for while the mind is restless or while the body is in pain. Perhaps you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. When you feel like you have no control or you are anxious about the unknown, what do you do?For those who enjoy movement, hard breathing and sweat, a lot of times it's about fitness. Our souls feeds off those endorphins.I know a lot of people who like to get in the zone on the treadmill. I also used to spend time running along the...
Posted by Javier Rodriguez on

What is WhenInDoubt?It is the continued effort to understand the nature of existence. As we try to understand our daily experience through perceived space and time, what is the nature of truth? What is the nature of faith?DOUBT comes from not knowing and sometimes we we feel threatened or insecure. So what do we do? We try to control the variables. After all what is worse than not getting what you want, not seeing results you expected, not being told the whole truth?I'm reminded of the serenity prayer:God, grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change; the courage...